England July 28, 44
Dearest mom & all
Got your letter of the 15th last night. It's hard to say for sure that air mail will always be faster than 'V' . Those first few of mine were held up I know and probably went out about the same time aas the air mail sent the 7th. I know I'd rather get air mail than 'V' because it seems much more personal and from now on I'll send as much of mine as I can that way. Decent stationary and Envelopes are hard to get though, while plenty of 'V' mail is handed out gratis.
I've had 3 letters from dad since I got over here and I should be able to hear from him faster than you do now. He does seem very happy having some L.D.S. western boys close and I wish there were more in the 16th. So far there is only one more besides myself and hes in "A" Btry so I don't get to see him much.
Don't worry about me and colds mom. So Far, in spite of damp weather, I haven't had a trace of one. Instead you better worry and take care of yourself. You always do like to take on more work than is good for you even if it is enjoyable and you get a great deal out of it.
Sounds like Ken has a good set up there in the church offices. Don't know of a better spot to be. I'd like to be there where I could run down & see you once in a while. I'd surely love to rub my whiskers over your cheek and give you a couple of bear hugs. I'm glad you like the whiskers, I'm afraid Leona doesn't and I'll be shaving mighty regularly if she has anything to say about it.
Give Bea, Ray and Mip my love will you and tell them I'll write soon. I'm going to finish up on a "V" form and you note which is fastest for sure. I'll send it to Polly.
All my Love to you all
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