July 7, 1944
Mom Dearest,
A batch of mail came in yesterday with yours & dad's letter of the 21st and yours & Pats of the 27th. Gee but it's good to get mail from home!
Mom I'm writing Leona a 'V' mail which I'll send at the same time as this. Check with her so that I can find out which goes the fastest. For now I'll send a few of each (Air & 'V' mail).
Dads letters are really coming over in record time aren't they? It sounds as if he's right back in his old stride again and I just hope he doesn't wear himself into the hospital again. I'll get a letter off to him just as soon as I find out how to send it from this side.
This is a beautiful picture of Pat-but then she's a very beautiful girl. No doubt by now she is the 'Princess of Covered Wagon Days' and a lovelier one couldn't be found any place! Pat honey-it's hard for me to realize that my little sis is grown up enough to wear Polly's evening dresses and no doubt 'wowing' all the boys in town. Just stay as sweet as you are honey and save me some special sweet kisses till I get home.
Ken I'm proud of you! You've got the stuff it takes to get ahead in what you want to do and even if you do have to wait till you're a little older and some of the work you do get isn't to your liking, the breaks will come to you in the end. If you want to look into something good inquire about the Navy's 'V 12' program in languages. One of my pals' friends is only 19 and is an Ensign after a few months V 12 language training. The U of U should have the info. on it.
Polly's letter came in today and I'll get one off to her soon.
I'll close for now mom loads and loads of love to all of you and don't worry about me I'm having a swell time and enjoy England a lot.
If you see Maurine again give her my love won't you? Tell her she's still my big sis.
Love to All
P.S. New APO-403 Lu
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