Mon. June 19, '44
Mom Dearest,
By now Leona must have told you what's in the wind, but detailed information I couldn't give her and you either. Much as I'd like to tell you just where I am and what I'm doing I'll just have to bow to army security regulations. From now on you'll only know my general location such as the east coast as the army deems fit to reveal.
They have given permission to let us tell about our pass to New York though. Bill Gross and I went into town with Edie Kahner and visited with Eddie's Folks over a swell dinner (in a neat restaurant-combined with Bar, etc). Then Bill and I went down town to do a little Night Clubbing. Of course you know that all night clubs make their money on Liquor and to stay in a place you've got to order a drink or in most places if you take a table, pay a minimum or cover charge. Bill was drinking Bourbon and Soda most of the time, but me? I had to vary it once in awhile-I'd take a coke instead of a lemonade-that's me, a great drinker!
We started out at the Hotel Taft-Then the Astor Bar-Waldorf Astoria-boy does that place live up to it's reputation as the best of hotels-Then up to the Harlequin Club where Jack Dempsey's ex wife Hana Williams sings. We were in and out of a few more places but mostly just to look around. Little old New York is quite the place. Dawn was just breaking when we got back to camp, but we certainly enjoyed ourselves.
I'll say good night for now. Loads of love and kisses to all and don't worry about me. I'll be back before you know it. That will be the day!
Loads of Love,
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