Oct 30 Sgt Hood and crew badly frightened by supposed German Radio station in Mess Hall basement. Called up CP and Lts Jones & Tyler and wire section over to surround the place. -- Tyler wanted to throw in a hand grenade, so the story goes, after T/sgt Peel com. Chief swore up and down code was coming out of the room (Now known to be full of straw)- Finally found compressed air in a stove was making noise-- Fearless Phosgene (Fassio) nearly got shot when he emerged from bldg. into ring of wiremen. Talked in evening with Gulio about some radical churches, etc. Father Divine Aime Simple McPherson. Protestant Church service in afternoon. Returned Bill's book "The Church in War & Peace." The discussions comprising this volume were given as a series of radio talks originating in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City on the weekly Sunday evening Church program presented over Station KSL. They were so generously received by listeners over a vast area, ...
Posting journal entries on the days of the year they were originally written with a scan of the original page, pictures as available, transcription and relevant entries from the history he wrote of his experiences.